About me

Doctor Irina Schend


My name is Irina Schend, general practitioner in Haarlem, with broad medical experience. After my study at the Medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam, I worked at the Intensive Care Unit at the Kennemer Gasthuis hospital in Haarlem. In the years before the GP specialisation I also worked at the internal medicine and pulmology department. 

As a GP doctor I have knowledge of a broad range of illnesses, and diagnose and treat patients of all ages. I am skilled in performing clinical examination, diagnostic, carryng out tests to diagnose, acute medicine, treatment, small interventions as various treatment injections, injections in the joints, small surgery, insertion of IUD, wound treatment, health education and many more. Our practice is a certifed trainee practice for doctors specialising in becoming a general practiotioner (huisarts). We are affiliated to the UMC (University medical centers of Amsterdam), Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum (VUMC university clinic, working together with Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, AMC). I am a certified educator (opleider) for GP trainees affiliated at the University Medical Center Amsterdam (UMC). 









Standardized quality of medical care

GP (huisarts) in Holland is the center of the medical system. We have a broad medical training; we manage 80 % of the medical consultations our self, small percentage of the patients need a referral to specialist. Our scientific society, the Dutch General Practitioners (Nederlandse Huisartsengenootschap) is writing its own evidence based guidelines, what makes us unique in the world.
We are trained to provide highly skilled and professional medical care upon the latest standards.
My registration in the Dutch Medical register (bigregister.nl) is: 09912753401 https://zoeken.bigregister.nl/bignummer/09912753401

I work together with other medical doctors, they all offer standardized quality of medical care.

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